You may vote at any of the listed early voting places during the early voting period. On election day you may vote at any of the listed election day vote centers.
Early Voting Dates and Times
Monday, Oct. 21 – Friday, Oct. 25
8 a.m. – 5 p.m.
Saturday, Oct. 26
7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Sunday, Oct. 27
10 a.m. – 4 p.m.
Monday, Oct. 28 – Friday, Nov. 1
7 a.m. – 7 p.m.
Early Voting Sites
Brazos County Election Administrator Office (McLeod Training Room)
300 East William J. Bryan Parkway, Suite 100
Bryan, Texas
Arena Hall
2906 Tabor Road
Bryan, Texas
Galilee Baptist Church
804 N. Logan
Bryan, Texas
College Station Utilities Meeting & Training Facility
1603 Graham Road
College Station, Texas
Memorial Student Center – Room L526 (MSC)
Texas A&M University campus
College Station, Texas
The last day to receive an application for ballot by mail is Friday, Oct. 25, 2024 at 5 p.m. We can mail applications for the voter to fill out and return to us or the voter can write a letter stating their name, local address, the address where they are, and the reason why they are voting absentee, and must include the voter's personal identification number (ss# and/or dl#) and original signature. The voter can fax from out of county or mail it to us.
(El último día para recibir una solicitud para una boleta por correo es Viernes el 25 de Octubre de 2024 a las 5:00 de la tarde. Podemos enviar solicitudes por correo para que el votante las complete y nos las devuelva o el votante puede escribir una carta indicando su nombre, dirección local, la dirección donde se encuentra y el motivo por el cual vota en ausencia, y debe incluir la identificación personal del votante. número (ss# y/o dl#) y firma original. El votante puede enviarlo por fax desde fuera del condado o enviarnoslo por correo.)
Brazos County Elections Administrator Office
300 E. Wm. J. Bryan Pkwy, Ste: 100
Bryan, TX 77803
979-361-5770 – Phone
979-361-5779 – Fax